Enfocus pitstop pro 6.0
Enfocus pitstop pro 6.0

enfocus pitstop pro 6.0

“We’ve always done it that way, so … off you go.” Upon returning to the prepress department, the skilled and diligent tech exclaims, “We’re gonna PitStop it!” Only six of the fonts are needed and one is still missing.” “Stop, stop, stop,” demands the exasperated manager with coffee-laden shoes. We get four versions of three different images and thirty-eight fonts. We ask for the rest of the images and fonts. “It’s the only way to fix a file properly!” “This always plays out the same way,” started the prepress technician. “I don’t care!” came blasting out from behind the mug-covered mouth. “You know how long it will take, don’t you?” replied a skilled and diligent tech.

enfocus pitstop pro 6.0

By John Dean, Marketing Content Specialist, Enfocus Easy PDF file editing “If there is a problem with the PDF, we’ll have to ask for native files,” stated the prepress manager, splashing drops of coffee from a twitching mug.

Enfocus pitstop pro 6.0