Most users try both software, learn some skills, then choose a favorite. The real differences are user preferences, other than Lightroom’s better ability to work with raw files. Lightroom also has similar tools, and the software has several presets to make photo editing software processing faster. The software is incredibly fast, so you can render your images in real-time while also working with multi-frame files and pixel correction, too. The software can work with raw files and High Dynamic Range images. RawTherapee uses two demosaicing algorithms while creating 32-bit high-definition, non destructive images. RawTherapee is free, and Lightroom free trial lets you see if you want to pay for the software. RawTherapee is like Lightroom and resembles a darktable. There are subtle differences between RawTherapee vs Lightroom software, including the way they use algorithms to process photos. The two software apps include popular filters, fast processing, cropping tools, and adjustment brushes. Photo by Ana Paula Lima Licensed Under CC0 Comparing RawTherapee vs Lightroom RawTherapee is free, while Lightroom offers several price points, including a monthly fee of $10. When looking at RawTherapee vs Lightroom, the number one difference is the price of the software. Differences Between RawTherapee vs Lightroom

When comparing RawTherapee vs Lightroom, more professional photographers turn to Lightroom because of the sharing features and tools. You can download Lightroom onto PC, laptops, and other mobile devices. Like RawTherapee, Adobe Lightroom does have tutorials and guides that help users learn how to use the software like a dark table. But, the software does integrate with Adobe tools and storage systems, so that teams can work together seamlessly. If you want free photo processing software, Lightroom isn’t the software for you. Adobe makes this software, and they charge users $10 per month. When comparing RawTherapee vs Lightroom, Adobe Lightroom is the most popular photo processing software. Automated settings to match camera settings.There are several features that users appreciate in RawTherapee. There are numerous tutorials and forums available as teaching tools, too. If you have a question, you can ask the supportive photography community that uses the software. But with patience and trial-and-error, learning to use the features and tools is manageable.

There is a learning curve as in other software like Capture One Pro. Photographers appreciate the features in RawTherapee.