Still, if you’re busy, and you believe in division of labor, and you don’t want to do the plan yourself, this doesn’t really answer the question. The key thought there was: So my first answer to this question is this: don’t pay a consultant to develop a business plan. What to Pay That Business Planning Consultant, Part 2 - Planning, Startups, Stories In my post here yesterday I started to answer “what should I pay a consultant to develop a business plan for my company?” My first take was about the need for planning process and living with your plan over the long term. If you are using the old Google Drive, you can easily host websites on Drive. You may upload and publish any kind of static content* on your website including HTML pages, images, CSS, icons, audio & video files including podcasts. You can use Google Drive to host basic websites or even complex JavaScript based web apps. If you are looking for a place to quickly host your websites but don’t have access to any web server, Google Drive is a great alternative. You can even publish Drive website under a custom web domain using IFRAME.

How to Host your Website on Google Drive - Tutorial This video tutorial explains how you can easily host websites on Google Drive with one click. So this tutorial will show you how to get it right. Or, just as bad, you can end up working for too little, and having to complete a project at a rate that won’t even cover your costs. If you get your estimate wrong, you can end up missing out on good projects and not picking up enough work.

If the client hasn’t set a price and you have to come up with your own estimate, it can be very difficult to know how much to charge.

What to Charge? A Freelancer's Guide to Giving an Estimate Having the chance to bid on a major project is a freelancer’s dream, but can also be a nightmare.